That “Shark Week is Over” Feeling
Shark lovers and haters alike have finally emerged from their homes as the 2017 Shark Week on Discovery Channel has sadly, come to the end. They teased us with Episode 1 “Sharktacular 2017” on July 07, 2017, forty-one minutes of television utopia. One more tease a week later, then July 23, 2017 began the week of various excuses for missed social events, shark tales around the water cooler, and more than enough Shark Memes to go around. Social Media was all a buzz.
This year, love him or hate him, Olympic Gold Medalist, Michael Phelps tested his speed against a great white. It is not a surprise that many viewers were pulling for the shark! (Just kidding Mikey). No matter the emptiness that we are left with until next year, 2017 Shark Week is really over and many of us loyal “fin-fan’s” have to find a way to cope with the loss.
Better Than Tuning In, Could It Be?
Venice, Louisiana Charter Fishing offers an up close & personal experience for the “shark curious” around the globe. This time of year, coincidentally following the end of Shark Week, Charter Fishing Captains in and around Venice, LA, see an uptick in Charter requests for Shark Fishing Trips, and they are eager to oblige.
Not only are shark sightings a sure bet, but reeling in the various shark species found in the warm gulf waters of South Louisiana is the best “Shark Week” detox you can get for your money. Now, you cannot take a bite out of Michael Phelps, and the odds are you won’t be reeling in any Great Whites, but you will be sure to hook into a few of South Louisiana’s coastal celebrities.
Inshore Satisfaction
Louisiana waters are home to many species of sharks, yes, several of the sharks you viewed from your easy chair are just a Charter Booking away from up close & personal. Louisiana’s lakes and bays are an important nursery ground for sharks. These are the vital areas where female sharks bear their young.
If the emptiness from this year’s Shark Week finale has left you without a willingness for long excursions, no fear, Louisiana’s inshore waters are possibly just the right fix to get you through. Venice Fishing Charter Captains know where to find the most common inshore, coastal species of sharks.
Sharks, Sharks and More Sharks
Bull sharks, black tips, spinners and hammerheads are abundant in the warm gulf waters’. The Inshore Charters that leave out of Venice, LA offer anglers an exciting fishing trip without having to travel too far out, and no sightings of Michael Phelps to date.
The Bull Shark is just probably the ugliest of all sharks (if a shark can be ugly), ranging from 100-200 pounds and it has a prominent, blunt nose making it easily distinguishable. Known to even swim into fresh water, locals swim with caution. The Black Tip Shark average 5-20 pounds and are aggressive fighters. The Black Tip Shark will bite on an artificial bait, which is almost unheard of in shark fishing in the gulf. The Black Tip Shark and The Spinner Shark, both will often be caught attacking a hooked fish being reeled in by an angler.
Charter Captains will often move out of an area where the Balck Tip Shark & Spinner Shark are spotted unless they are there to hunt shark specifically, otherwise it is a challenge to catch any other species of fish with these sharks lurking around.
Hammerhead Sharks will come right up and circle the boat just below the surface of the water. Size alone makes the Hammerhead Shark an exciting hook up on any day. They are a long, portly shark with an odd shaped head that gave them their name “Hammerhead”. Weighing in at 500 to almost 1000 pounds, they are not scared away by fishing boats at all, and almost appear to be “friendly” as they stay so close to the boat.
Feeling Adventurous?
Those of you who don’t sit and wallow for too long, and excited for Shark stories of your own, will enjoy the excitement of the Offshore Shark Fishing Charters that leave Venice, LA daily. If you are ready for sharks of great size & speed, and you are feeling “Michael Phelps” like energy and stamina, the Offshore Shark Fishing Charter of Venice, LA is for you!
Mako-Me Happy
The Mako Shark is an undeniable predator of the sea. There are two sub species of the Mako Shark, the shortfin Mako and the Longfin Mako. The Longfin Mako are rather rare sightings and prefer very warm seas. The Shortfin Mako, or as referred to often as the Bonito Shark, are plentiful in the coastal waters of South Louisiana. The Mako Sharks are very hard to get into the boat once hooked, and put on quite the show jumping sometimes 10-20 feet in the air once hooked. They have huge teeth, those that you would expect from any self-respecting Shark, and boy are they mean. Mako Sharks may lay on the bottom of the boat, appearing lifeless, then begin thrashing around with a vengeance. The knowledge of a Venice, LA Charter Captain is vital in success of the Mako Shark coming home with you. Mostly fished for sport, these gulf beasts make a great shark steak dinner also. Known to anglers as being a shark of great speed and stamina, the Mako shark can weigh between 200 and 600 pounds, and they have had Mako’s exceed 1,000 pounds in the Gulf Waters around Venice, LA.
Tigers, and not the LSU SEC Tigers
Another great fast shark to hunt for, is the Tiger Shark. Identified by their alternating markings of dark and light brown color. These beautiful predators of the Gulf are often called Leopard Shark when they are young, because they start out life with markings of dark color that look like spots. As the Tiger Shark matures, the markings turn to an easily identifiable stripe, hence the name “Tiger Sharks”. Roaming the open seas, the Tiger Shark can often be found in shallow waters as well. Known to grow above 1,000 pounds, this sport fish is a favorite among the Charter Fishing Captains in and around Venice, LA.
Proper Care For Table Fare
The Wait is Real
The fact is we have over 355 days until 2018 Shark Week airs, and there is no better time then now to get out there and live your own Shark adventure. You can even come home from your Charter Fishing Trip in Venice, LA, and delight in eating the Shark as you proclaim the victor! Until our next Shark Week, Keep Calm & Fin On.